Peran Orang Tua Dalam Membentuk Kesadaran Moral Pada Anak


  • irwansyah SDN 04 TEBAT KARAI


the role of parents, awareness, moral, child


The life of every human being must pass through a period of development which includes social, cognitive, interest and moral aspects, starting from infancy, childhood, adolescence and old age. Along with this development, the role of the external environment greatly determines whether or not a child reaches this stage of development. Because the family is the first and foremost education for children, especially in forming the basics of their personality. Human development is essentially a general fixed pattern that must be experienced by every individual, moreover, development is a process that includes growth from conception to its continuation throughout a person's life. Parents' hopes for their children in the future will influence how they treat their children. their children, assigning tasks and responsibilities, as well as providing for their children's needs, both physical and non-physical. This includes instilling moral values ​​in children so that children have a good understanding of values ​​and norms which will have a good influence on children's morality so that they can live in harmony in their environment.


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